Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dear Abby

This morning I was encouraged to know that someone is actually reading this blog. :) So encouraged, in fact, that I've been inspired to write a new post.  ...Something I've been thinking on for weeks, but have yet to write on this strange euphemism for paper called "the interwebs".
Today I write about a dear friend.  We have been in each other's lives since high school, though there was only a brief time when we actually saw each other regularly.  Our meeting was one of those times when you instantly have a connection deeper than the given time indicates you should have.  She was an immediate treasure to me then and, though we rarely see each other, she remains a treasure to me now.  Considering all the moving around I've done, it has been a rare thing for me to be able to hold onto friendships for very long.  I count it as something quite special when I can say to a friend "remember when..."
Now, I have to explain that it's kind of a strange thing that she and I should have such a strong connection because our backgrounds are so different.  She grew up in, basically, one house with both parents.  She didn't have to change schools much.  When we were young, it seemed to me that she had things so easy.  I didn't begrudge her for this, but I admit feeling a little jilted that things seemed so much harder for me.  And, in fact, I also have to admit that I used to wonder at how sweet and down to earth she is because I guess I hadn't met many down to earth people who seemed always to have had a breezy life.
I, on the other hand, came from a single parent home, moved constantly, was always quite poor and went to numerous schools.  I don't think much about these differences now and I no longer feel at all jilted, but they're important to point out for the purpose of this story.
My friend started dating her, now, husband when they were in college and they married and have now had three children.  Years ago, this also, was something that I envied.  While she seemed to have this perfect life, I also married and it was not perfect and ended in divorce.  (I'm getting to the point of all this "woe is me", I promise.)
So, now we get to the meat of it... I had been away for 7 years and had not been in much contact with my friend during that time.  But then I moved back to Kentucky after separating from my husband and, when I was at the lowest point of my entire life, my friend was there for me.  It was a bit of a rough and tumble road, but she was there and tried earnestly to help me in whatever way she could.  This included some financial help on more than one occasion and, at the time, I had this thought... All those years I had loved her and yet been a bit envious of all that she had, yet now, when I am at the end of my rope, she is here and, partly due to the things she has, she is able to help me in ways that others can't.  If she had not lived the kind of life she had been given, she may not have been able to help me when I needed it.  I thanked G-d for His provision to her, for giving her exactly the life she was supposed to have and for putting her in my life.  Realizing that things were as they should be, the jealousy was gone.
That was a few years ago... Now, just a few weeks ago, my friend came to a concert of mine.  I was so thrilled that she was there and I was so happy to share the story of my journey with her and everyone else.  G-d has truly changed me in so many ways over these past few years that I now look back and hardly recognize the person I used to be.  I am so thankful.  After the concert, my friend sent me several text messages saying how my music was blessing her.  In fact, for a few days afterward, she shared with me how she had had a very difficult year and there were some things happening in her life that were so hard.  She would tell me these things and quote my own song lyrics saying that these were the words that were encouraging her and getting her through the day.  I have been so blessed to bless her and I realized that, without all the difficult things that I have been through, I would not have this story to share.  I would not have these songs to sing, and I might not be able to encourage my friend with exactly what she needs.  So, once again, I am thanking G-d for giving each of us exactly the life that we are supposed to have.  I thank Him for the blessings and I thank Him for the times when each of us has felt like we couldn't make it one more day.  I thank Him for being the kind of G-d who makes EVERYTHING beautiful in His time.  And I thank Him for my dear friend.
I guess the main thing I want to take from this story is that G-d really does know the plans He has for us and they really are for our good.  No matter what is happening in our lives, whether good or bad, He can take it and turn it into something beautiful for His glory and to our delight. Nothing is a coincidence so...walk your path and don't wish for anyone else's because this one was made especially for you!