Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hello everyone!  I've just returned from a wonderful weekend at the Asheville Music Festival in NC.  It was a weekend full or great new music, good friends and deep worship.  I've gotten so many messages from friends at home who want to know all about the weekend.  So, rather than telling the story many times over, I'll post it here for the world to see. :)

THURSDAY: Mother, Shirah and I left KY around 7:30am and began our drive to NC.  We were all pumped for AMF, but for some reason, we ended up making far too many unnecessary stops along the way, turning our 5 hour trip into a 7 hour trip.  It was, however, a pleasant drive with fun conversation.  Skipping the minor details, the only thing I will note regarding the trip is this:  We stopped at a Starbucks somewhere along the way and my bladder was really talking to me a lot.  So, I went straight for the restroom, but it was a one person restroom and someone was in there.  So, I decided to go to the men's room instead.  It was still just a one person room and I figured they surely wouldn't deny me coffee for being the wrong gender.  ...Unfortunately, while I was in there, a man tried to get in.  I decided I'd make light of the situation when I exited.  I had decided to make a joke and tell him I was sorry my bladder couldn't read the sign.  Instead, I opened the door, surprised him by being female, and immediately got my purse caught on a large sign which came tumbling to the floor, making lots of noise and blocking his path to the restroom.  So, not only was a a girl coming out of the men's restroom, but I was also causing a scene.  Oh well...what can I say? I picked up the sign, got in line and tried to contain my laughter.
When we finally got to AMF, it was raining and had been raining there for quite a while. In fact, we had missed a storm which had flooded several tents and ripped another in half.  Still, everyone seemed happy to be there as we parked in the grass/mud and hopped on the bus to get to the camp site. The mountain was just beautiful and it was refreshing to be among the trees, hearing the babbling brooks and breathing the fresh mountain air.  Thursday night started a bit late because of the rain, but it was an exciting time and everyone was full of anticipation for what the weekend would bring.  I didn't get to hear everyone that night, but I really enjoyed Troy Mitchell.  http://www.bethimmanuel.org/videos/messianic-music-troy-mitchell  I also enjoyed seeing some friends, old and new and spending time with my sister-in-law and my niece, (little) Shira.
(Thursday artists:  Boneh, Troy Mitchell, Downpour, Judah & Jen Morrison, Dan & Melissa David, Jordan Elias, Carlos Perdomo)

FRIDAY:  Friday morning was a very quiet one for me.  It was the morning I was to share my music at AMF and I could not help being near silent and contemplative until that was done.  We arrived at the campsite at around 10am.  We (Mother, Shirah, Shelly, Dara, little Shira and I) picked our spot in the grass by the lake stage and listened to more excellent music.  Eventually, I headed down to the "artists area" behind the stage where I sat quietly waiting for my turn.  Behind the stage, I was soon joined by the members of Blue Mosaic, who were to go on after I.  Each of them was delightful to meet and I was glad to share those moments with them.  Just before I was to take the stage, I was looking out over the lake when a beautiful blue and black butterfly landed on the back of my hand and it stayed there for a good 2-3 minutes as I walked around smiling like a giddy child and showing the butterfly to everyone backstage.
Soon, Matt Rosenberg (who was also lots of fun to hang out with), said it was time.  So, together we climbed the stairs and Matt introduced me.  It's no surprise that I was nervous, but was also thrilled to have made it to this point in my life.  Lately, I am always in awe of how my life has turned around... I started the set with my newest song, Heart of the Lion.  I messed up the chords many times and I definitely could have done better.  Live and learn! The next song was Kumi Yisrael, followed by Dark Glass and then Your People Love You. During my last song, the rain really started coming down and, from the vantage of the covered stage, it was beautiful.  After my set, Blue Mosaic took the stage and they were really a blessing.  Very good music and loads of talent.  http://blog.jforj.com/bluemosaic  I also really enjoyed the music of Kerah Oliveira http://www.keraholiveira.com/#!/the-latest-works/, Daniel Rosenfarb and Britta K, among others.
The artists that really stood out for me on Friday evening were 3B4JHoy (beautiful harmonies!) http://official3b4jhoy.wix.com/home#!music, Teshuva http://www.teshuvamusic.com/music/ and Min Hama'ayan (!!!) http://soundcloud.com/yossi238/min-hamaayan-from-the-fountain (please listen to Kol Haneshama)
It was so fantastic to worship Adonai on Erev Shabbat with hundreds of other Messianic believers.  That sense of community is sometimes difficult to find when we align ourselves with Judaism and belief in Yeshua as the only Messiah.  It's wonderful to share my beliefs with those who are just curious and tell them the reasons behind my faith, but it is always a delight to be among those who already understand and just want to worship G-d together.
(Friday artists Aspiring to Glow, Kes Evens, Kyle Orth, Kerah Oliveira, Daniel Rosenfarb, Julia Vidito, Blue Mosaic, Navi, Brandon Chustz, Britta K, Ron Cline, B'racha, Jeremiah, Avanim Chavot, 3B4JHoy, Roman & Alaina, YAShaar, Generation: Hope, Teshuva, Min Hama'ayan, Greg Silverman)

SATURDAY:  To me, Saturday was, by far, the best day of the festival.  Again, I was thrilled to be with this community on Shabbat.  In the camp that morning, I heard worship and prayers coming from all around as smaller groups from many different congregations met together to share Shabbat morning with each other in the ways that are customary to them, yet each united in familiar Jewish customs and all united in worshiping Echad.  At 10am we all gathered around the main stage for our community Torah service.  Several leaders who have had a large influence in Messianic music were called to the platform to carry the Torah and we sang and praised as they followed a path through the crowd and gave us all a chance to show our love for the Torah, as is customary.  I so enjoy this custom; the devotion it shows to the Word of G-d and the joy it brings to our hearts that we can see, touch and read His own Word.  It was also a blessing to hear the Torah read aloud by several people and to hear a motivating message by Seth Klayman.  My favorite part was at the end of the service when they invited all the AMF musicians to come to the stage and sing a revamped version of He Shall Reign together.  It was so moving and wonderful to be there with so many musicians, and standing next to my brother and his wife.  I could not help feeling the power of praise that was going forth at that moment.  I don't know that I will ever experience something like that again before I see the other side of eternity.  Whether I do or not, I will NEVER forget that time of worship.
After the service we heard more fantastic music.  :) For me, the highlights of the day were Naomi Miller, Giselle + the Compass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I64dinamIk4, Toby & Brooke Manolis http://www.rtbot.net/brooke_manolis, HaShir (Duh! the tribe of Vidito has to stick together ;) ...but they're really great regardless) http://www.hashirworship.com/cm/, Jeff Koch, and Hazakimhttp://www.youtube.com/user/Hazakim (whether you like hip hop or not, they are fantastic for their hard hitting and truthful lyrics).
Another one of the moments that really blessed me on Saturday was when I got to share the stage with my brother, Marc, as we each played drums to back up Toby and Brooke Manolis.  I had not met  Toby & Brooke until moments before getting on stage with them and I had no heard any of their wonderful music, but...hey, I know how to hit a drum! Toby & Brooke are beautiful people and I can't remember the last time my brother and I got to do anything like this together.  It was truly a touching time for me.  I can't remember word for word, but one of the songs Brooke sang was about G-d bringing us through things to where we are now.  I felt G-d's presence so strongly as I thought of how many times the enemy had tried to rip my family apart forever.  He tried to break our spirits.  He tried to kill us and most of all, he tried to get us to walk away from the path G-d has set before us.  My brother and I have each had very difficult times in our lives and times when each of us walked away from G-d's plans, but Baruch HaShem, He has always called us to return to Him and we have always followed, eventually.  I can't say how full my heart was as I thought of all these things and, once again, stood next to my brother and praised Adonai our Redeemer.  There is simply no end to the blessing of His Redemption on our lives.
(Saturday artists: Naomi Miller, David Wein, Jeremiah and Hannah Zaretsky, Lawra Elizabeth, Giselle + the Compass, Toby & Brooke Manolis, Joshua Aaron, Justin Hutcher, The Pear Republic, Messy!, HaShir, Jeff Koch, Beckah Shae, Judah & Jen Morrison, Roman & Alaina, Sharon Wilbur, Michah Mahoney)
Late Saturday night, AMF was at its end... We had a blessed time of worship led by Micah Mahoney.  We had prayer for this next generation of Messianic believers and artists and then it was time to close.  The music stopped as Seth Klayman came to the front of the stage, sat down and began praying without a mic.  I'm not sure if that was planned, but it ended up being perfect.  All of us who were scattered about the field, slowly and silently walked to the front where we stood to pray.  It was absolutely silent except for Seth's prayer.  Then, one by one, others began to pray and someone led us in singing "Thou, O  L-rd, art high above all the earth.  Thou art exalted far above all god's..." It was a tender and meaningful closing to a weekend that, truly, was beyond belief.  I can only imagine the amount of work, sweat and prayer that went into making AMF happen.  I know that it was 2 years in the making and that it will probably never happen again.  I have no doubt that everyone who had any hand in this was blessed.  It was wonderful to hear such fresh sounds coming from the Messianic community and to know that there are young people in this movement who are serious about their walk with G-d and about reaching G-d's people and the world with the message of Yeshua, our Messiah.  I can't begin to imagine all that will take place as a result of this event, but I am so excited to hear about things that wouldn't have happened without it.  AMF was something that has never been done before and is certain to have a lasting effect on the lives of those who participated and in the Messianic community.
Thank you to EVERYONE who did anything to make this possible.  You are too numerous to count! And most of all thank you, Adonai, for bringing us to such a blessed time with You.  Baruch HaShem!

Love and Shalom,


  1. Hey Julia! It's Toby! Brooke and I both have blogger! We loved playing with you too and thank you so much for the kind words. You and Marc truly were a blessing to us at AMF. Check out our blogs / worship website!

    Brooke - www.thebebebirds.blogspot.com
    Toby - www.einkamocha.blogspot.com
    Worship - www.manolisworship.posterous.com

    Grace and shalom!

    1. OOO you know what? This comment came to my email and I answered it there because this is my first comment and I didn't quite realize what was happening. lol Woot! first comment!
      Thank you for sharing your blogs with me and thank you for letting us join in your music! Pretty sure I've already said this, but it was really great to meet you both.
      Love and Shalom
